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Ongkos Kirim:
Merek,Masa Penyimpanan

#1 top coat Volume: 11ml | :This gel-based clear topcoat refreshes and protects any mascara all day with a glossy, water resistant finish. As a Clear Mascara: Apply to clean, bare lashes for a naturally defined lashed with a glossy finish.| : Apply mascara and wait until it is completely dry. Then re-apply the topcoat starting from the base of the lashes to the tips. As a Clear Mascara: Apply to clean, bare lashes for a naturally defined lashed with a glossy finish. #3 volume Volume: 11ml | OH MY LASH #03 volume Creamy flexible texture for plentiful volume without lumping | #4 curling Volume: 11ml | OH MY LASH #04 curling: Curling mascara with slim and tightening texture for detailed and fitting lash | #black tint Volume: 7ml | Clear black shine and powerful eyelash curl fix at once | How to use: After placing brush at lash roots, powerfully brush up lashes upwards. Use mascara cleanser to remove Black tint mascara ========================== *kami sudah memastikan barang tidak rusak / pecah / bocor sebelum dikirim. kerusakan paket setelah sampai di tangan pembeli BUKAN TANGGUNG JAWAB KAMI. *kami hanya menjual barang ASLI 100% ORIGINAL. tidak pernah menjual barang palsu apalagi campur2 asli & palsu. kalau kamu membeli produk ini artinya kamu percaya bahwa kami hanya menjual 100% produk original & kami tidak menerima segala komplain yang menyatakan barang kami palsu / berbeda dengan yang kamu beli sebelumnya. stok ready silahkan langsung diorder

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