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- Product under Wholesale, price is discounted according to quantity.Note that we pack the purchased amount together in 1 pack, no separate packing. Stevia, also called Stevia rebaudiana, is a plant that is a member of the chrysanthemum family, a subgroup of the Asteraceae family (ragweed family). The stevia leaves were collected, dried and milled into a fine powder. Because whole leaf stevia contains both sweet and non-sweet components, it often has an licorice-like aftertaste. Note: In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes stevia sweeteners, composed primarily of rebaudioside A and stevioside, as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for use in foods and beverages. However, the FDA has not approved, nor accepted as GRAS , the whole leaf stevia or the use of crude stevia extracts as sweeteners. Whole leaf and crude extracts of stevia remain under review because there is inadequate safety information. Whole leaf and crude extracts of stevia, therefore, can only be sold as dietary supplements in the US. ******** Stevia, juga disebut Stevia rebaudiana, adalah tanaman yang merupakan anggota keluarga krisan, subkelompok keluarga Asteraceae (keluarga ragweed). Daun stevia dikumpulkan, dikeringkan dan digiling menjadi serbuk halus. Kerana stevia daun utuh mengandungi komponen manis dan tidak manis, ia sering mempunyai rasa manis seperti licorice. Nota: Di AS, Pentadbiran Makanan dan Dadah (FDA) mengiktiraf pemanis stevia, terdiri terutamanya dari rebaudioside A dan stevioside, yang Dikenali Secara Umum sebagai Selamat (GRAS) untuk digunakan dalam makanan dan minuman. Walau bagaimanapun, FDA tidak menyetujui, atau menerima sebagai GRAS, keseluruhan stevia daun atau penggunaan ekstrak stevia kasar sebagai pemanis. Ekstrak stevia daun dan mentah keseluruhan masih dalam kajian kerana terdapat maklumat keselamatan yang tidak mencukupi. Oleh itu, ekstrak stevia daun dan mentah keseluruhan hanya dapat dijual sebagai makanan tambahan di AS.

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